Develop, Grow, Empower


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Long-term loan products

Maximum Loan amount is Kshs. 8,000,000
Repayable in 84 months.
It is offered up- to 4 times a member’s savings.
Interest is 1% per month on reducing balance.,
A Minimum of three guarantors are required to secure the loan.

Offered up to 3 times the deposits capped at a maximum loan of Ksh. 500,000
Repayable within 30 months
Interest rate of 1.5% per month on reducing balance.
Faster loan processing time. Loan is processed and disbursed as being received.
Minimum three guarantors required to secure the loan.

It’s a product that allows a member to take a loan and clear off all the outstanding balances.
3 % interest is charged on the outstanding balances.
The interest rate for the facility is 1.25% per month on reducing balance.
This is applicable only on development loans.
One should have paid at least 2/3rds of the previous loan to be eligible.
Applicable on development loans.
One should have paid at least 1/2 of the previous loan to be eligible.
The balance attracts interest of 3%.
short-term loan products
This is a salary advance Loan secured on the Deposits of the applicant.
It’s recovered from payroll in two installments.
One qualifies immediately upon registering as a Sacco member.
Secured on applicants Savings and therefore the applicant doesn't require to source Guarantors.
Monthly interest rate for this loan is 5%.
The upper ceiling is Kshs. 300,000.
This loan repayable in 18 months.
Interest is 1.5% per month on reducing balance. Minimum of three guarantors required.
Processed as the application is received
The upper ceiling is Kshs.150,000.
Loan is repayable in 12 months.
An application MUST be adequately supported.
Monthly Interest rate is 1% on reducing balance.
Processed as the application is received.
The upper ceiling is Kshs.150,000.
Loan is repayable in 12 months.
An application MUST be supported by a fees structure for the particular year.
Monthly Interest is 1% on reducing balance.